Jul 31Liked by Skeptical Actuary

Here is that video run through a stabilization app (which seems to “zoom in” as part of its processing):


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Jul 31Liked by Skeptical Actuary

Here is part 2 (up to the beginning of the “audio only” segment) after being processed by the “Video Deshake” app:


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This is a good stabilized version of the video.


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Interesting, so many anomalies. I'd like to see a video of his ear getting shot from the right. There is a video taken from that side, but suspiciously it gets cut off two to three seconds before his ear was supposedly shot.

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That his ear magically healed in several days (from a ONE INCH WOUND) - that a supersonic bullet would not have deafened him...

It's not magic - it's bullshit! It was staged - faked - a freak show put on to enshrine a dictator as a semi-martyr. NOTHING BUT a sympathy ploy.

OK, skeptics, prove me wrong!

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The Secret Service, the FBI and the mainstream media would all have to be in on it. The Secret Service has totally trashed its reputation. The FBI and the mainstream media all hate Trump. The Secret Service was until recently run by a woman who was a friend of Jill Biden. This woman had to quit her job because of the fiasco.

Why would they be in on the scam?

How do they fake all the bullets? How do they get a patsy to go up on the roof to be killed?

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If you know how organizations work, not everyone has to be in on an operation. A few people know, and it's easy to anticipate the behavior of those who don't know. I understand it wasn't his full usual secret service that day, so we don't know how many of those people were a part of the secret service.

You don't know if everyone in the FBI hates Donald trump. He easily might have a faction that doesn't hate him.

Why would anyone be in on a false flag or a Scion in America, do you really have to ask that question? I wonder how much donations increased after this event. It may get Trump a few more votes due to sympathy and the great picture that was taken. It's one more thing that destabilizes this country, and gets citizens closer to turning on one another. Lots of possibilities.

Not all of the bullets have to be fake. People may have been shot and killed, just as many Americans are killed during false flags and experiments on the public. It's easy to sacrifice a patsy.

I'm not saying I know that he wasn't shot, but there's definitely too many anomalies to be certain. Particularly the blood pattern, none on his right hand, none on the lower half of his ear???? No sign of injury two weeks after he removed the bandage? No picture, no cell phone video from the right side?

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You haven't addressed why the secret service would drop it's coverage to the point where its reputation goes in the toilet and it's director has to resign.

There were no professional photographers behind the stage. So far only small fraction (at most 1 in 10 of even the videos with valuable content have appeared. It's true the video you are probably referencing is cut just before the shooting. Here's the longest version of that video. It includes the scene where poor Cory is carried out of the stands. You can also see the doctor trying to do chest compressions on him. If you pause at the wrong moment you can see his head (bloody, but no gore). I did this accidentally.


I can only guess why the person who shot the video hasn't released the crucial seconds. One guess would be that he's holding out for money from a news organization. The other guess is that the FBI requested he hold it back.

There is video where you can see blood on Trump's hand - and it's in the NY Times, no friend of Mr. Trump. I'll put it in my next substack since I can't put photos in comments and most stuff in the NYTimes is paywalled.

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Great, I'd appreciate seeing that photo in the New York times and also connecting it to a place in a video. Obviously photos can be altered, but the two together would be good evidence. It seems the photo of him stopping and raising his hand in a fist might have been altered as the sky is clear behind him, and in all the videos it was a cloudy day. Another sub stacker talks about the practice of "blading" in the WWE. This is carrying a small blade and after a hit cutting your skin a bit so it will bleed.


Part of the destruction of our country has been displaying the incompetence of so many institutions. When people think the institutions are lost beyond repair, they are more open to, for example, technocratic fascist controls over these institutions. In the big picture, it really doesn't matter whether the secret service has a good reputation or not from this one incident, or that the director had to resign. This one incident doesn't matter, they will keep on doing their jobs and the secret service will continue. In the process, the right gets the smug narrative "female DEI hire has to resign". This incident and her resignation is just a blip on the screen, as corporate media has already come up with a thousand other stories for the public to be concerned with with other than the secret services reputation.

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